South Australian Association for Media Education Inc.
ABN 15 378 408 705
P.O. Box 300, Ingle Farm, South Australia, 5098

Media and Information Literacy (MIL)

As part of SAAME's advocation of education about the media, we support the global efforts of UNESCO in promoting the understanding of media and information (some links below), and consider them a useful teaching resource.

In an ever-increasing world of blatent and disguised advertising, disinformation and misinformation (propaganda, alternative facts, crazy opinions presented as facts, misunderstandings, and arrant nonsense), and platforms that allow people to be “influencers” about things that they know nothing about, it's important to know that not everything you hear is correct.  To realise that it's necessary to critically analyse the information you're been fed, to develop the skills needed to search out the truth, and spot a con.

Is the news story that you're watching giving you the whole story, or a blinkered view?  Is it distorting the truth in a way that's unfair, or even subverting justice?  The same can be said about press statements from officials:  Are you being deceived?  Is something that will seriously affect your life being trivialised?  Is important information being pushed away from scrutiny with a distraction?  Is the product review that you're reading giving you an honest appraisal, or is it a fake review that's actually an advert from the product's creator?

How would you know?  Did you notice it?  How would you find out what you're not being told?


End of page content, site navigation links follow.  Every page includes these same links.

The South Australian Association for Media Education