South Australian Association for Media Education Inc.
ABN 15 378 408 705
P.O. Box 300, Ingle Farm, South Australia, 5098

2024 Executive Meeting Minutes

Monday 30 December 2024, 10:39 am
at Grant's


Present: Grant, Tim, Linda, Guy, Alex

  1. Acceptance of Minutes of last exec meeting (16 Sept 2023)
    Moved: Guy
    Seconded: Tim
  2. Business arising:
    1. SA Ed Dept promotion of GMIL Week & joining MIL Alliance:  Grant wasn't satisfied with the dept's response about GMIL (they didn't like the UNESCO website, and were reticent about joining the alliance).  Grant may write back to Prof Westwell, and perhaps a couple of other people.
    2. Industry Reference Group:  No news.  The dept started some involvement, then disappeared.
  3. SACE:  Renewal of all subjects now underway, groups have been established.  Media is in Group 3, meaning Stage 2 Media not undertaken until 2028.  Participants didn't see that any major changes were needed to the curriculum, and they've reduced the requirements (probably too much).
  4. GMIL:  Members are asked to come up with ideas for this year's GMIL Week (October 24 to 31).
  5. Constitution:  A copy was tabled by Grant with amendments to be presented at the next AGM (updating the postal address, and the dates defining our financial year), and to see if anything else needed modifying.  The Ed Dept wants our association to lodge constitution.  Grant to send Tim an electronic copy copy of the constitution (will be included on our website).
  6. Finances:  The current balance is under $2000.
  7. Media Moves:  Still ongoing, & VVSS is still supporting us.  For the second time in 40 years we missed a broadcast (due to a power outage in Salisbury).  PBA-FM has a new station manager.
  8. MEET:  Our Facebook page now has 193 members.
  9. Internet:  Tim is still managing our website.  He's keeping recordings of Media Moves broadcasts but hasn't uploaded any to our YouTube channel for a while—wanted some more background graphics (things radio-related, featuring the station callsign and frequency somewhere), and there hasn't been a great deal of interest in viewing them.  We should also look at updating the membership/joining information.  Asked if Grant was checking the new SAAME email address inbox ( for messages.
  10. Grant was invited by Megan Rausch of University of Adelaide to School of Education awards night to present an award on 28th October.
  11. The next meeting will probably be the AGM.  Tuesday 25 February 2025 was touted as a possible date.
  12. Meeting closed at 11:21 am.
PDF draft of these minutes

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The South Australian Association for Media Education