South Australian Association for Media Education Inc.
ABN 15 378 408 705
P.O. Box 300, Ingle Farm, South Australia, 5098

2024 AGM Meeting Minutes

Saturday 9 March 2024, 10:43 am
held by video conference over the internet


Present: Grant, Tim, Guy, Grant as proxy for Alex
Apologies: Alex, Linda couldn't connect

  1. Acceptance of minutes of last AGM (28 February 2023)
    Moved: Tim
    Seconded: Guy
  2. President's report
    Tabled: Grant
    Seconded: Guy
  3. Treasurer's report (document available upon request)
    Tabled: Grant
    Seconded: Tim
  4. Nominations: 
    Position Nominee Seconded by
    President Grant Tim
    Vice President Alex Guy
    Treasurer Grant Guy
    Secretary Tim Grant
    Exec Linda Tim
    Exec Guy Tim

    All nominations were accepted, and the positions filled.

  5. AOB:
    1. Tim is looking for submissions of hi-def photos of different radios tuned to 89.7 MHz for use as a background picture with the podcast recordings.  The aim is to use one different image for each podcast.  Several are needed for past and future podcasts.  You can see our YouTube channel for examples.
    2. AI: Dishbrain (research into merging human brain cells with artificial intelligence).
  6. Meeting closed at 11:03 am
PDF draft of these minutes

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The South Australian Association for Media Education