South Australian Association for Media Education Inc.
ABN 15 378 408 705
P.O. Box 300, Ingle Farm, South Australia, 5098

2023 Executive Meeting Minutes

Saturday 16 September 2023, 10:22 am
at The Boat Deck Cafe

Present: Grant, Tim, Alex, Guy

  1. Acceptance of Minutes of last exec meeting (7 May 2022)
    Moved: Alex
    Seconded: Tim
  2. AGM was held in February this year, bestowed life membership on Alex & Guy.
  3. We nominate Guy for SA Educator's World Teachers Day, Grant & Alex to go along to the ceremony.
  4. Noticed SA Educators joined our Facebook page.
  5. SA Ed Dept to promote GMIL Week.  Grant talked to Prof Martin Westwell at Government House about how GMIL should be in curriculum, received a letter as response.  Grant suggested the Ed Dept should join MIL Alliance, too.
  6. Haven't heard anything regarding the Industry Reference Group.
  7. SACE:  No news regarding development of new subject outline.
  8. GMIL:  What are we doing for GMIL Week this year?  Last year Guy held a media (analysis) contest.  Grant wondering if do it again, contact BTN about covering what we're doing for GMIL Week.  Try to arrange some prizes.  Guy to try contacting cinmeas for some tickets.  Are we going to offer a GMIL workshop?  Perhaps about AI, media & cyber security.  Alex looking at cyber security.
  9. Finances:  Current balance $2603, and bank is moving away from handling cheques.
  10. Media Moves:  Still ongoing & VVSS still supporting us.  The first time in 40 years we missed broadcasting a program as Grant was in hospital.
  11. MEET:  Our Facebook page now has 184 members.
  12. Internet:  Our first Community Service Announcement (TV spot) Take Time to Talk has been uploaded to our YouTube channel.
  13. Grant invited by Tanya Hardy of University of Adelaide to School of Education awards night to present an award on 2nd November.
  14. AOB:  Alex went to Games Developers at SA Film Corp.  SAGE (South Australian Game Exhibition).  We promoted this on our Facebook page in February.
  15. Meeting closed at 11:18 am.

End of page content, site navigation links follow.  Every page includes these same links.

The South Australian Association for Media Education