South Australian Association for Media Education Inc.
ABN 15 378 408 705
P.O. Box 300, Ingle Farm, South Australia, 5098

2023 AGM Meeting Minutes

28 Febrary 2023, 7:43pm
Held via Zoom

Present: Grant Brindal, Alex Brindal, Guy Louanglath, Tim Seifert
Apologies: Steve Bartholomew

  1. Meeting opened 7:43 pm.
  2. Acceptance of minutes of last AGM (1 March 2022)
    Moved: Tim
    Seconded: Alex
  3. 2023 AGM President's Report
    Tabled: Grant
    Seconded: Tim
  4. Treasurer's report (document available upon request)
    Tabled: Grant
    Seconded: Guy
  5. Election of 2023 officers & executive members
    1. President: Grant Brindal
      Nominated by Alex
      Seconded by Tim
    2. Vice President: Alex Brindal
      Nominated by Grant
      Seconded by Guy
    3. Treasurer: Grant Brindal
      Nominated by Grant
      Seconded by Alex
    4. Secretary: Tim Seifert
      Nominated by Grant
      Seconded by Alex

    NB:  Not sure about Steve, may not be available.

  6. Life membership offers
    1. Nomination: Alex Brindal
      Nominated by Grant
      Seconded by Tim
    2. Nomination: Guy Louanglath
      Nominated by Grant
      Seconded by Tim
  7. AOB
    1. Grant has some in-season cinema e-tickets for “Aftersun.”  Guy and Alex may be interested.
  8. Grant thanked Alex for setting up the Zoom meeting.  Meeting closed at 7:53 pm.

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The South Australian Association for Media Education