South Australian Association for Media Education Inc.
ABN 15 378 408 705
P.O. Box 300, Ingle Farm, South Australia, 5098

2022 Executive Meeting Minutes

Saturday 7 May 2022, 10:54 am
at Grant's

Present: Grant, Tim, Guy, Alex
Apologies: Steve

  1. Acceptance of minutes of last exec meeting (26 June 2021)
    Moved: Alex
    Seconded: Tim
  2. Our AGM (on 1 March 2022) was successfully held on-line via zoom.
  3. Guy:  The Department for Education – Curriculum Rewriting focussed on years 7 & 8, a team of three.  Might come out at the end of 2022 or early 2023.  Online resources, started off with media; photography, animation, poster design, sound work, podcasting.
  4. MIL: (media information literacy) media arts, building on knowledge & skills of the kids.  They'll contact us for more info through the writing sequence.  Emphasised the Literary Week in October.
  5. ARTS Ambassadors Newsletter:  Cherie Broad has taken over, has put out a first newsletter.  Our alternate organisation ATOM SA declaring a “Media Arts March.”  Grant has writting to Cherie.
  6. Dept for Education Industry Reference Group:  Grant received and official email from Thomas Novac in Ed Dept, meeting in May 17th reforming industry/employeers interactions with schools (VET).  At Slingsby's Hall of Possibility in Parkside.  We've done this kind of thing (media industry prodjects) before in the 1990s with Radio Adelaide.  Might be looking for brokering.  Grant will go to first meeting to see what they're after.  Alex messaged Amanda.
  7. SACE 2022:  The new SACE education consultant is Kate Leadbetter, part of a teams of three (humanities, social science).  In February Grant sent our concerns regarding rewriting subject modfications to media.  New covid subject adjustments, reduced assessment requirements on website.  May put information about this on MEET.
  8. GMIL week (24–31 October 2022):  We were the only thing offered in Australia, last year had 13.  Grant: What will we do this year?  Alex: Is there a theme?  Grant: Nothing so far.
  9. SAAME membership drive:  We're now operating more as a service provider, rather than our old model as an association with members, also a lobbying group.  Who do we define as members?  (Paid members, Facebook participants?)  Some constitution changes possible.
  10. Finance reports:  $187.30 to be a CEASA member, $139 needed for PO box.  Drop public liability insurance (not been holding public events during covid era).  Current balance $2732.17
  11. Media Moves:  PBA-FM has lost the German show before ours.  Our last broadcast included some of the Memorial for Bob Parr (he was part of a film pioneers group) held in the Wallis Theatre.
  12. MEET has 173 members, and posting has eased.  Guy will bring up upcoming GMIL on MEET.
  13. Internet presence:  Tim:  We could post our old “Take Time to Talk” TV community service announcement on YouTube, and recordings of our Media Moves program broadcast on PBA-FM (they have no archive, and podcast recordings fill up our website with large files).  Grant to set up a YouTube account for us.
  14. Next exec meeting to held before MIL week in October.
  15. Meeting closed at 12:21 pm

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The South Australian Association for Media Education