South Australian Association for Media Education Inc.
ABN 15 378 408 705
P.O. Box 300, Ingle Farm, South Australia, 5098

2021 AGM Minutes

24 February 2021, 7 pm
Held on-line, via Zoom

Present: Grant Brindal, Tim Seifert, Alex Brindal, Steve Bartholomew
Apologies: Guy Louanglath

  1. Meeting opened 7 pm.
  2. Acceptance of minutes of last AGM (25 February 2020)
    Modifications: Surnames with correct spelling added.
    Moved: Tim
    Seconded: Alex
  3. 2021 AGM President's Report
    Tabled: Grant
    Seconded: Alex
  4. Financial report:  Income not high for this year, expenditure about the same.  CEASA and public liability payments are in December, so out of step with financial year.  Some cheques to chase up.  Need to chase up the VIMEO grant.

    Tabled: Grant
    Seconded: Tim

  5. Election of 2021 officers & executive members
    1. Vice President: Alex Brindal
      Nominated by Grant
      Seconded by Tim
    2. Secretary: Tim Seifert
      Nominated by Grant
      Seconded by Alex
    3. Executive nominations
      Guy Louanglath
      Steve Bartholomew
  6. AOB
    1. ACARA:  Grant had a meeting with ACARA (Australian Curriculum Arts), they're rewriting the Arts Curriculum.  Not looking at any major changes, but reducing it and making it more teacher-friendly (removing teaching binary, adding relationships, is missing analysis–has “making” without “why we are making”).  Looking at digital technologies in March/April.  Seeking feedback by end of July.
    2. Wikipedia:  SAAME isn't mentioned in Wikipedia.  Grant is looking at starting an entry, beginning by copying some of the data from our website.
    3. Website:  Still need to update details on our website regarding membership (benefits, costs, paying, etc).  Update executive biographies.
  7. Meeting closed at 7:44 pm.

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The South Australian Association for Media Education