South Australian Association for Media Education Inc.
ABN 15 378 408 705
P.O. Box 300, Ingle Farm, South Australia, 5098

2020 Executive Meeting Minutes

19 September 2020, 10:45 am
at President's residence, Valley View

Present: Grant, Guy, Tim, Alex
Apologies: Steve (resigned but co-opted back)

  1. Acceptance of Minutes of last meeting (27 Nov 2019)
    Moved: Alex, Seconded: Guy, ACCEPTED/CARRIED
  2. Guy:  Media Arts correspondence has been lost due to Google Mail problems (coronavirus interrupted).  Resources are on their way according to their website.
  3. Global Media GMIL week coming: “Resisting Disinfodemic: Media and Information Literacy for everyone and, by everyone” (starts October 24, see:  Maybe organise a Zoom meeting/session.  Increasing the awareness of media literacy (e.g. the Tik Tok debacle).  Call it “Nil MIL”?  Invite people to come on and share their stories about now much media literacy goes on in their schools.  One problem is fragmented responsibility for handling it within a school.  Perhaps do it in two parts, first information shared to audience, then contributions a week later?  Suggesting Wednesday 21 October (presentation, and what is “media literacy”) and Wednesday 28 October (forum).  Perhaps a gameshow approach for information?  Could call it Behind The Mask (a covid & BTN pun).
  4. Steve put in for some funding that was granted.  EdSA said we haven't invoiced them for PLT2 grant.  We were granted $576, use it to set up a Vimeo account and encourage people to submit resources, and use remainder to fund administering it (curating submissions into on-topic material).  Alex: could record GMIL Zoom session and put onto it.
  5. Educators SA:
    1. Minister's Arts Awards nominations close on the 19th.  There's a cash prize (can be used for professional development).  May be able to find funds for a TRT release.
    2. Arts Inspire Conference (for next year).  Zoom meeting on Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th September, 4:40 to 5:50 pm.  Grant will follow up.
  6. Lobbying:  Steve:  Our self-promotion is not only to other media teachers.  Get MIL more front and centre.  What happens with media literacy?  Australia has supported it with UNESCO since the 1980s.  But less so, recently.  A scattered approach across different agencies.  See if ATOM want to co-sign a letter from SAAME.  Grant will investigate.
  7. ABC tours:  Had final meeting lunch for tour guides, touring was suspended due to covid.  Interstate had security and paid two co-ordinators to organise it.  Grant to write to Ita Buttrose about being disappointed to lose tours (and maybe to John Gardner, again).  Twenty-six schools, thirty-three groups of kids went on tours last year.  Tours had been good for BTN crew to meet their target audience.
  8. SAAME membership drive:  Future directions.  Update our list of benefits details on the website.  Networking.
  9. Finance:  Same as last time.
  10. Media Moves:  Continued this year as before.  Selected episodes have been archived on the website for listening on demand.
  11. MEET (Facebook):  Going well, mostly year 12 related activity.
  12. Next meeting:  Proposed Saturday 17th October 2020, morning.
  13. Meeting closed 12:15 pm

End of page content, site navigation links follow.  Every page includes these same links.

The South Australian Association for Media Education