South Australian Association for Media Education Inc.
ABN 15 378 408 705
P.O. Box 300, Ingle Farm, South Australia, 5098

2009 Executive Meeting Minutes

Tuesday March 23th 23 June, 2009, 5.15pm.
Najjar’s Restaurant, O’Connell St., Adelaide

(NB:  Meeting date error above.  23 March 2009 was not a Tuesday.  These minutes reference tabling the minutes from a meeting on 25 March 2009, and its file had a June date in the metadata.  An educated guess suggests this meeting was actually held on Tuesday 23 June 2009, and the heading has been adjusted accordingly.)

  1. Welcome: Meeting opened 5:40pm
  2. Present: Grant, Nick, Thom, Julie, Andrew, Tom
    Apologies: Zora, Denise
  3. Acceptance of Minutes for Executive meeting 25/03/09
    moved: Julie Haar
    seconded: Nick Sibly
  4. ABC Visit: 5 attended so SAAME made a loss. Those who went enjoyed and recommend. Plan to organise another tour for September/October holidays.
  5. Conference Report & Volunteers Grant: Letter received from Conference Plus requesting finalisation of payment.

    Julie moves Grant should approach Conference Plus to ask whether paying 50% ($2400) of the total owing will be acceptable and write off SAAME’s dept.

    Grant made appointment with Jack Snelling (local member for SAAME). Jack gave Grant a book of all available grants.

    SAAME to consider sponsorship (taking cue from ATOMQ).

  6. Wallis Student Critics: No action on YouTube. Grant has supplied Wallis with info on reviewing films. This has not appeared on the Wallis website yet.
  7. National Curriculum – CAMEO/ATOM/NAAE/TEFA:

    ACARA has been setup (Future SACSA in Grant’s opinion.).

    CAMEO – email from Steve Bartholomew (our public officer), suggesting we all have a meeting at NAME’s Conference (New Zealand conference in October) to discuss reigniting CAMEO (currently deregistered).

  8. Reports (Finance; CEASA; Media Moves et al)

    Finance – SAMME has $3400 as of end of May.

    SAAME to start a Facebook page.

    Thom to investigate hosting a SAAME website through the Maths and Science School.

  9. AOB: Julie to follow up the possibility of getting some promotional tickets for the Term 2 holidays children’s film festival, to give away.

    SAAME needs to have a discussion with the Adelaide Film Festival.

  10. Next Meeting: TBA
  11. CLOSED at 6:40pm

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The South Australian Association for Media Education