South Australian Association for Media Education Inc.
ABN 15 378 408 705
P.O. Box 300, Ingle Farm, South Australia, 5098
2009 Executive Meeting Minutes
Wednesday March 25th, 2009, 5.00pm.
Najjar’s Restaurant, O’Connell St., Adelaide
Welcome: Meeting opened 4:30pm
Present: Grant, Nick, Thom, Julie, Andrew
Apologies: Denise, Tom
Acceptance of Minutes for Executive meeting 12/02/09
moved: Julie Haar
seconded: Nick Sibly
Conference Report: A $5000 debt still remains. Still
exploring any avenues available to cover this debt.
Volunteers Grant: PC has been bought. Camera, sound
recorder still to come.
AGM 2009 – Wallis Student Critics: Was a success. The
Wallis Student Review program is up and running. Involve students via
a mailing list to media teachers.
Activities 2009: 23rd April @ ABC Studio 12:30 lunch, tour
@ 1:30. SAAME to host 10 potential members. Possible screening of
‘Max & Mary’? Grant to publicise ABC Tour with the samplings and via
email list. Thom to publicise the ‘Max and Mary’ screening via Metro
email list.
Reports: CEASA – discussed running a conference (at a loss
– it’s not just SAAME). Discussed video conferencing to reduce travel
costs. Discussed professional standards, National Curriculum, teacher
professionalism, teachers using relevant technologies, collaboration
between organisations.
Finance: No money banked and 20 financial members.
$4089.94 (includes the $3420 volunteer grant) in bank, but $5000
conference dept.
AOB: National media associations. WA deregistered from
CAMEO. Grant proposes to keep CAMEO link alive.
Next Meeting: TBA
CLOSED at 6:00pm
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