South Australian Association for Media Education Inc.
ABN 15 378 408 705
P.O. Box 300, Ingle Farm, South Australia, 5098

2008 2009 Executive Meeting Minutes

Thursday February 12, 2009, 4.30pm.
Najjar’s Restaurant, O’Connell St., Adelaide

  1. Welcome: Meeting opened 4:30pm
  2. Present: Grant, Nick, Thom, Julie, Tom, Patricia
    Apologies: Lou, Zora
  3. Acceptance of Minutes: for Executive meeting 12/08/08
    moved: Julie Haar
    seconded: Nick Sibly
  4. Conference Report: The event was a resounding success; however, a $5000 debt remains. We need to develop strategies to resolve this.
  5. Volunteers Grant: $3420 for PC, camera, sound recorder.
  6. AGM 2009 – Wallis Student Critics: Monday 23rd Feb @ Wallis, Richmond. Piggyback with launch of new SAAME initiative 'Student Critics'. Have students view/review films and upload to Wallis website as text/vid (blog style).
  7. National Curriculum: Individual state Media associations are not particularly happy about a National Curriculum. They are happy with their state's current curriculum. Where does Media stand in the National Curriculum?
  8. Reports: (Finance; CEASA; Media Moves et al)
  9. Finance: $3924.94 (includes the $3420 volunteer grant) in bank, but $5000 conference dept. Have downsized to one signatory.

    Motion confirming change of fees as discussed at previous meeting
    moved: Julie Haar
    Seconded: Thom Burns

  10. AOB: VET – 'Training Products for the 21st Century'.
    DECS– Professional Learning in ICT
  11. Next Meeting: AGM
  12. CLOSED at 6:05pm

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The South Australian Association for Media Education