South Australian Association for Media Education Inc.
ABN 15 378 408 705
P.O. Box 300, Ingle Farm, South Australia, 5098

Minutes of 2008 National Media Education Conference Steering Committee

Tuesday November 20, 4-6pm, Hughes 721, Adelaide University

Present:  Kerry (UniSA), Karen (while on leave from Flinders Uni!), Sue (TAFESA), Grant (SAAME), Graham (DECS) & Lou (SAAME)
Apologies: Mary (Adelaide Uni), Mike (Flinders Uni)

  1. Conference Management – Two quotes have been received and distributed.  One from Plevin Associates (a local group) and the other from Conference Plus, now operating out of Melbourne.  Both charge according to the level of service provided ranging from registrations through to finding sponsors and providing a website.  John Richards from Conference Plus was keen to attend our next meeting.  We need to decide what level of service we expect the Management Company to provide.  We will be able to use tertiary students to assist and in return offer them free registration for the day
  2. Venues – Bookings will open possibly in December but certainly by February.  We will need to negotiate with Campus Services about cleaning, security, having toilets open etc.
  3. Conference theme/s – Some discussion but still unresolved.
  4. Key speakers – More suggestions.  David Buckingham.  Karle Nordenstig(?) from Finland.  Perhaps the Chair of the Communication Network from Unesco
  5. Sponsorship – We need to assign someone specifically to this task.  Perhaps target the SA Government and involve the ABC through the new digital channel for children.
  6. Call for Papers – Need on overarching theme to begin with.  Karen keen to continue working on this.  Details about the conference should be going out in December.  Make use of website.  Initially ask for expressions of interest then Call for Papers.  Aim for about 40 papers/ workshops in 90 minute blocks.  Range of workshops & events.  Make sure we secure local talent for workshops (eg Sascha Grabinch).  Run a local content gallery.  Kids panel
  7. Next meeting – Tuesday December 18th, 4pm at UniSA.
  8. Meeting closed and Kerry thanked for his hospitality.

End of page content, site navigation links follow.  Every page includes these same links.

The South Australian Association for Media Education