South Australian Association for Media Education Inc.
ABN 15 378 408 705
P.O. Box 300, Ingle Farm, South Australia, 5098

Minutes of 2008 National Media Education Conference Steering Committee

Tuesday September 11, 4-6pm, Hughes 721, Adelaide University

Present:  Mary (Adelaide Uni), Kerry (UniSA), Mike (Flinders Uni), Sue (TAFESA), Grant (SAAME), Graham (DECS)

  1. Conference Management – Flinders Uni have an Events Management program run by Steve Brown.  Mike investigated using them.  First year students would be available to ‘work’ the conference.  Seniors could undertake as a part of their program but would not be until the start of next year.  We will need catering quotes, accommodation deals, registration management.  Graham suggested using a Conference Organiser such as the Drama Association has used.  Charge of $45/delegate from Conference Plus based in Tasmania.  They will also create a website for $100.  Agreed that we investigate quotes from organisers. was also suggested.
  2. Venues – Bradley Forum in UniSA’s City West campus seats ~ 200 & is primarily a walk around space.  Four possible break out rooms.  Price yet to come to Kerry.  Adelaide Arts Centre is available and could provide break out spaces.  Issue with security (swipe card access) and AV.  Napier at Adelaide holds ~250 but will need castings.  Investigate also Education Development Centre (EDC) at Hindmarsh.  Another option could be the MRC ($400 for 3 hours).  Agreed to have next meeting at UniSA to look at areas.  Kerry will organise.
  3. Conference theme/s Much discussion.  ‘Hot’ Media.  Empowering or enslaving?  Learning to live with the media.  Story telling.  Who’s telling whose story?  Consuming passion.  Cult of Celebrity.  Children’s entertainment.  Media – giving us more power or more illusions?  General themes ranging from the theoretical to the practical.  Sessions that are interactive (Sascha Grabinch).  Need to draft the initial call for papers.  Mary volunteered to do this.  Abusing Media??!!
  4. Key speakers – More suggestions.  Che Metcalf from KuKan.  Some via SA Press Association?  Link with Thinkers in Residence?  David Court from AFTRS.  Richard Harris from SAFC.  Someone from EDNA?  Nickelodeon?  Sandra Winter-Dewhurst re ABC’s digital children’s channel.
  5. Sponsorship – Australian Children’s Television Foundation has expressed interest but need more details.  Could lobby through Katrina Sedgewick who is on the Board.  AV-Central i.e. Sony.
  6. Publishing Papers – SmartMedia (TTG TAFE) could do desktop publishing for the conference.  Sue to investigate.  Emphasize this in call for papers.  Possibly a referring process?  Include papers in existing publication.  Ethical Space?  Mary to ask Cathy Greenfield about Southern Review taking 8 papers.  Mike will seek information from Metro.
  7. Next meeting – Tuesday October 9 th , 4pm at UniSA.
  8. Meeting closed and Mary thanked for providing venue and nibbles.

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The South Australian Association for Media Education