Websites with less fat

This site is browser friendly.  It contains no scripting.  Pages are smaller, and quicker to load.  Pages are not a security risk to the website or browser.  Pages work, properly, even on browsers that have scripting disabled, and on browsers that have less special features.  Pages using straight HTML are more compatible with all browsers.

This site is search engine friendly.  It doesn't block access to public areas of the site.  Links are unobscurred and followable.  The pages are written in a straight-forward manner that allows proper cataloging.  Pages have sensible addresses and titles.

Page addresses are machine and human friendly.  They are self descriptive, closely matching the title of the page, and don't contain hard to read, or type, characters.  You can copy and paste an address, bookmark a page, email a page address, and always be able to go straight to that page.  You don't have to navigate through from a starting page.

Page content is human friendly.  No body-text font has been set, allowing users to read using their preferred typeface and font size.  Main body text and page colour is normal.  Pages should be screen-reader friendly (actual content is first, written in logical order; navigational arrays are last, and relatively brief).  The site is structured so that you shouldn't need to use a search engine to find what you're after.

Pages are printer friendly.  Content is written in consecutive order.  Pages are simplified to avoid the usual printing problems.  Navigational arrays are not included in printouts, text is all-black, link highlighting is removed.

End of page content, site navigation links follow.  Every page includes these same links.

The South Australian Association for Media Education